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EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum

Announcement of the regulators and authorities participating in the first cohort

As has been widely discussed, the first cohort of the European Blockchain Sandbox is populated by 20 diverse, innovative use cases from across the EU/EEA, representing a broad variety of regulatory areas and industry sectors. With such a diversity of regulatory topics spread across EU/EEA regions, it was critical to involve relevant regulators & authorities in the sandbox from all EU/EEA regions to participate in the cross border regulatory dialogues and discuss potential issues and solutions.

Since the key regulatory focus areas for the first sandbox cohort were identified, the Sandbox team have been contacting relevant regulators and authorities across the EU/EEA, to identify those who would be best placed to join the dialogues with each of the participating use cases.

Similar to what was observed with use-cases, we noted considerable interest from regulators & authorities to participate in the regulatory dialogues. Surpassing our goal of reaching on average at least more than one regulator/authority per use case, we are delighted to announce that more than 40 regulators/authorities have accepted the invitation to join the dialogues for the first cohort of the European Blockchain Sandbox.

The participating regulators and authorities include, among others (and further acceptances are coming in):

Agencia Española de Protección de DatosSpain
Agenzia per l’Italia digitaleItaly
Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico OrientaleItaly
Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de RésolutionFrance
Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques, des postes et de la distribution de la presseFrance
Autorité des marchés financiersFrance
Autoriteit Consument en MarktThe Netherlands
Autoriteit Financiële MarktenThe Netherlands
Banca d'ItaliaItaly
Banco de EspañaSpain
Bank of GreeceGreece
Banka SlovenijeSlovenia
Der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die InformationsfreiheitGermany
Česká národní bankaCzech Republic
Comisión Nacional del Mercado de ValoresSpain
Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la BorsaItaly
Competition and Consumer Protection CommissionIreland
Dansk ProducentansvarDenmark
De Nederlandsche BankThe Netherlands
DouaneThe Netherlands
European CommissionEurope
Finanzmarktaufsicht LiechtensteinLiechtenstein
Finanzmarktaufsicht ÖsterreichAustria
Garante per la protezione dei dati personaliItaly
Hellenic Capital Market CommissionGreece
Hellenic Ministry of CultureGreece
Kamer van Koophandel (Innovatie Lab)The Netherlands
Latvijas BankaLatvia
Magyar Nemzeti BankHungary
Malta Digital Innovation AuthorityMalta
Ministry of Economic Affairs and CommunicationsEstonia
Národná banka SlovenskaSlovakia
Nasjonal kommunikasjonsmyndighetNorway
Nederlandse EmissieautoriteitThe Netherlands
Registrite ja Infosüsteemide KeskusEstonia
Rijksinspectie Digitale InfrastructuurThe Netherlands
Secretariat-General for Digital Administration of the Ministry for Digital TransformationSpain
State Enterprise Centre of Registers (Valstybės įmonė Registrų centras)Lithuania
Umweltbundesamt Germany

Confidential dialogues between the selected use cases and the participating regulators and authorities have now begun. At the conclusion of these dialogues, a report will be published by the European Commission with best practices and lessons learned that have been identified while respecting the confidential nature of the dialogues.

For further information on the regulatory focus areas of the first cohort, see our post here. If you wish to learn more about the use-cases in the first cohort, see this post.