- Publication date
- 24 August 2022
The EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum, is proud to present the updated version of the EU blockchain ecosystem report, with latest updates and two more European countries covered.
The report is based on topical study, as different countries present different states of development in blockchain and crypto assets on several dimensions:
- Regulation and policy: several coutnries have recently legislated or issued guidance, thus leading to market fragmentation.
- Business activity: as a result of different regulatory treatment, entrepreneurial and investment activity is unevenly concentrated amongst countries, thus leading to emerging clusters.
The report was first published in 2020. To improve its quality and to make sure that everything in the study is up to date, the EUBOF team has updated each country's factsheet. This updated version of the report featues important developments in the European blockchain ecosystem over the last 2 years. In addition, it presents two new countries: Norway and Liechtenstein.
To support Europe's efforts to develop a harmonised framework across the EU Member States, it is therefore important to study the current level of regulatory and market maturity in each of them. This report aims to do that, by providing short country-level "factshees" summarising the state of affairs in each country.