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EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum

The European Union Blockchain Observatory and Forum aims to accelerate blockchain innovation and the development of the blockchain ecosystem within the EU, and so help cement Europe’s position as a global leader in this transformative new technology.

Our mission

Monitor blockchain initiatives in Europe | Produce a comprehensive source of blockchain knowledge | Create an attractive and transparent forum for sharing information and opinion | Make recommendations on the role the EU could play in blockchain

Our activities

The insights gained during the life of the Observatory and Forum will be shared through various public-facing activities.

Who is involved?

Created as a European Parliament pilot project, the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum is being run under the aegis of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT). The Consortium leading the second edition of the Observatory, consists of Netcompany Intrasoft (general contractor) the University of Nicosia, the Institute of Information Technology/ CERTH, White Research, Bitfury, OpenForum Europe and PLANET S.A..

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