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EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum

European Blockchain Sandbox Announces the regulators/authorities in the second cohort

At the beginning of the summer, the European Blockchain Sandbox announced the 20 diverse, innovative use cases from across the EU/EEA who were selected to take part in the second cohort of dialogues. These use cases are spread across EU/EEA regions and represent a broad range of industry sectors and regulatory topics.

Over the past few months, the sandbox team have been engaging in conversation with relevant national and EU regulators and authorities to identify those best placed to join the cohort 2 dialogues. Following the success of the first cohort, the team have seen keen interest from regulators & authorities across the EU/EEA to be involved in this year’s discussions.

Reaching this milestone number even faster than during the first cohort matching period, we are delighted to announce that the following regulators/authorities have joined the second cohort of the European Blockchain Sandbox thus far.

Regulator / AutorityCountry
Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’informationFrance
Agencia Espanola proteccion datosSpain
Agenzia per l'Italia DigitaleItaly
Autoritatea de Supraveghere FinanciarăRomania
Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolutionFrance
Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques, des Postes et de la Distribution de la PresseFrance
Autorité des marchés financiersFrance
Autoriteit Consument & MarktThe Netherlands
Autoriteit Financiële MarktenThe Netherlands
Banca d'ItaliaItaly
Banco de EspañaSpain
Bank of GreeceGreece
Banka SlovenijeSlovenia
Bulgarian Financial Supervision CommissionBulgaria
Central Bank of CyprusCyprus
Česká národní bankaCzech Republic
Comision Nacional del Mercado de ValoresSpain
Comissão do Mercado de Valores MobiliáriosPortugal
Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la BorsaItaly
Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of LithuaniaLituania
De Nederlandsche BankThe Netherlands
Die Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die InformationsfreiheitGermany
DouaneThe Netherlands
e-Trikala S.A.Greece
European CommissionEurope
Executive Forest AgencyBulgaria
Financial Services and Markets AuthorityBelgium
Finnish Food AuthorityFinland
Garante per la protezione dei dati personaliItaly
General Secretariat Of Digital AdministrationSpain
Hrvatska agencija za nadzor financijskih uslugaCroatia
Hellenic Capital Markets CommissionGreece
Hellenic Ministry of InteriorGreece
Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT)Greece
Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie The Netherlands
KVK Innovation LabThe Netherlands
Latvijas BankaLatvia
Malta Digital Innovation AuthorityMalta
Ministerstwo FinansówPoland
Ministrstvo za digitalno preobrazboSlovenia
Nasjonal kommunikasjonsmyndighetNorway
Národná banka SlovenskaSlovakia
Nederlandse Orde van BelastingadviseursThe Netherlands
Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság HatóságHungary
Office of the Information and Data Protection CommissionerMalta
Royal Dutch Association of Civil-law Notaries (KNB)The Netherlands
Seðlabanki ÍslandsIceland
SPF Sante Publique- FOD VolksgezondheidBelgium
Stabsstelle für Finanzplatzinnovation und DigitalisierungLiechtenstein
State Enterprise Centre of Registers (Valstybės įmonė Registrų centras)Lithuania
Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajůCzech Republic
Urząd Ochrony Danych OsobowychPoland

The matching process for the 2nd round of dialogues is still ongoing and regulators and authorities that are interested to join are invited to reach out to the EBS project team at infoatblockchain-sandbox [dot] eu (info[at]blockchain-sandbox[dot]eu).

The confidential dialogues between the selected use cases and their paired regulators will take place from the end of September of 2024 until the first months of 2025. At the conclusion of these dialogues, the 2nd round best practices report will be published.

For further information about the use cases involved in the second cohort, see our post here.