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EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum
News article27 January 20215 min read

Expert Panel of the European Blockchain Observatory and Forum

expert panel

The Expert Panel will provide input to the Observatory’s trend and thematic reports, workshops and other activities, bringing their unique expertise in technical, legal and practitioners’ and academic aspects of the technology. The first edition of the Observatory gathered a cross-cutting group of experts and in its renewal we want to maintain this tradition. Some Experts of the previous edition remain a part of the Panel, but many new members joined as well, bringing knowledge of several technologies, industries, regions and blockchain applications. The experts were chosen with expertise, gender and geographical balance in mind and we are honoured to have such high-level members.

Throughout this project we will involve experts to advise us on how we can best strengthen the EUBlockchain community, convey relevant information and create new synergies. This engagement will last for an initial period of one year and we might add more experts to the group as we leave the application process open. We will revisit applications every two months (end of February, April, June… 2021) to potentially invite new experts with unique expertise in a particular domain.

Thank you to everyone who sent their application, we carefully considered each and one of them. We tried to select those that intersect with focus areas of this edition of the Observatory and bring diverse, global expertise to the project.

The European Union Blockchain Observatory and Forum has been developed with the aim to accelerate blockchain innovation and the development of the blockchain ecosystem within the EU, and so help strengthen Europe’s position as a global leader in this transformative new technology.

Expert Panel of the European Blockchain Observatory and Forum - the full list:


  • Ad Kroft, Program manager, Dutch Blockchain Coalition

  • Agata Ferreira, Assistant Professor at Warsaw University of Technology, law lecturer, advisor, solicitor

  • Agne Kazakauskaite, Fintech consultant, Binance, Crypto Economy Organisation, the Government of Lithuania,

  • Alex Nascimento, Faculty & Co-Founder Blockchain, UCLA

  • Alexi Anania, Research Coordinator, Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance

  • Almudena de la Mata Muñoz, Founder and Managing Partner, Blockchain Intelligence/Blockchain Intelligence Law Institute

  • Anastasios A. Antoniou, Partner, Antoniou McCollum & Co

  • Anca Bogdana Rusu, EMEA GM and Head of GovTech,  Policy and Advocacy, cLabs

  • Andrès Chomczyk Penedo, PhD researcher,  Attorney, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

  • Anton Hasselgren, Researcher, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

  • Arnaud Le Hors, Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM

  • Bettina Schneider, Professorship, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW

  • Bianca Hanuz, Lecturer, University of Liverpool

  • Blaž Podgorelec, PhD student,  Researcher, University of Maribor

  • Burkhard Blechschmidt, Expert Advisor, Spherity / European Commission

  • Catarina Ferreira da Silva, Assistant Professor with Habilitation, ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon

  • Charalambos Savvides, Partner, Advocate and Lecturer, Stelios Americanos & Co LLC,  University of Nicosia

  • Chris Pilling, Principal Consultant, Fujitsu

  • Christian Aranha, Advisor,

  • Christof Ferreira Torres, Doctoral Researcher, University of Luxembourg

  • Claudia Sandei, Professor, University of PADOVA

  • Cristina Carrascosa Cobos, Head of practice, Pinsent Masons

  • Daniël Du Seuil, Convenor / Belgian representative, European Self Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF) / European Blockchain Partnership (EBP)

  • Daniel Szegö, Independent, Hyperledger Budapest

  • David Magård, Swedish Ministry of Infrastructure

  • Debora Di Giacomo, Senior Manager, Wavestone

  • Demetrios Tseas, Training Manager, Institute for the Future,  Institute of Public,  Cyber and National Security

  • Dennis Post, Tax Partner, EY

  • Dominic Briggs, General Partner / Co-Founder, Blockwall / Blockchain Research Institute Europe

  • Dominique Simon, Global General Counsel, Wirex

  • Erick de Moura, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Cartesi

  • Ezechiel Copic, Head of Official Sector Engagement, cLabs

  • Federico Panisi, Researcher, Stanford University

  • Galia Kondova, Senior Lecturer and Researcher, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)

  • György Balázsi, Chief Product Officer, Blockchain Competence Center Ltd.

  • Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes, Healthcare Executive I Board Advisor I WBAF Senator I GBA Ethics Officer, MEDNAX|GBA|WBAF

  • Iñigo Moré, Professor, UC Berkeley Extension

  • Ioannis Vlachos, Energy Markets Expert, Energy Web

  • Irina Albita, Co-founder, FilmChain

  • Ishan Roy, Head, Blockchain, Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency

  • Ismael Arribas, President / Founding Member / Spanish Chapter leader, Kunfud / INATBA / Government Blockchain Association

  • Ivona Skultetyova, Senior Researcher/ Project Officer, European Crowdfunding Network

  • Iwona Karasek-Wojciechowicz, Attorney at Law and Partner in the Karasek & Wejman; associate professor at Jagiellonian University in Cracow/Poland.

  • Jacob Boersma, independent blockchain consultant and member, WBNoDE.ioJai Ramaswamy, Head of Risk, Regulatory and Compliance, cLabs,

  • Jan Klesla, Blockchain Republic Institute, Co-founder; ministerial advisor, Blockchain Republic Institute

  • Jānis Graubiņš, Partner, Verum Capital

  • Jed Grant, Financial engineer, University of Luxembourg

  • Jeffrey Bandman, Principal, Bandman Advisors

  • Jim Mason, Blockchain Practice Leader, Paramount Software Solutions Inc

  • Jolanda ter Maten, Blockchain Trainer & Consultant, TerMaten Business Consultancy

  • Jonas Gross, Research Assistant, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center

  • Jörn Erbguth, Legal Tech, Blockchain,  Smart Contract and Data Protection Consultant

  • Katherine A. Foster, Strategy Director / Lead Consultant, Open Earth Foundation/ UNDP - UNCDF BigFinTech and Sustainable Development Dialogue Paper

  • Koen Vingerhoets, Senior Manager, Deloitte

  • Konstantinos Votis, Senior Researcher, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas/Information Technologies Institute

  • Leïla Nassiri-Jamet, General Counsel, Proxymity

  • Lisa Trujillo, Lead Product Security Engineer,  Product Owner & Privacy Consultant, HERE Technologies

  • Luca Boldrin, R&D, InfoCert

  • Manuel Machado, Global Head of Blockchain Solution, MTS Division of Worldline

  • Marcin  Zarakowski, Attorney-at-law, Legal counsel, Lisk

  • Marcus M. Dapp, Senior Research Assistant, ETH Zürich

  • Maria Minaricova, Director of Business Development,

  • Marina Niforos, Adjunct Professor, The Future of Work, HEC Paris

  • Marta Geater-Piekarska, Director of Ecosystem, The Linux Foundation

  • Martin Pospěch, Founder, Smart Contract Labs

  • Michael Kolain, Research Associate (Law) and coordinator Transformation of the state in the digital age, German Institute for Public Administration

  • Michal Geci, CEO, NKB Technology

  • Michèle Finck, Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition and Lecturer in EU Law, Keble College, University of Oxford

  • Nadia Filali, Head of blockchain, Caisse des Dépôts

  • Nasir Zubairi, CEO, The LHoFT

  • Nicolas T. Courtois, Senior Lecturer, University College London

  • Nina-Luisa Siedler, Partner, DWF

  • Pedro Roseiro, Executive Board Member, TICE.PT - Portuguese National ICT Cluster

  • Philipp Sandner, Head of Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

  • Ramesh Ramadoss, Co-Chair, IEEE Blockchain Initiative

  • Robbert Greenfield, CEO, Emerging Impact

  • Robert Herian, Senior Lecturer in Law, The Open University

  • Sandra Uwantege-Hart, Pacific Cash & Livelihoods Lead, OXFAM / Global Blockchain Business Council

  • Scott Stornetta, Chief Scientist, Yugen Partners

  • Sergio Gonzalez Miranda, Head of Blockchain and R&D innovation programs, atSistemas

  • Stefan Beyer, CEO, Cryptonics Consulting

  • Stefan Junestrand, PhD Architect, Grupo Tecma Red

  • Suzana Mesquita de Borba Maranhão Moreno, Digital Innovation Analyst, BNDES

  • Tadej Slapnik, Director, Hashnet d.o.o.

  • Tim Weingärtner, Professor, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

  • Valeria Portale, Head of the Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Observatory, Politecnico di Milano

  • Vlado Stankovski, Professor of computer science / Scientific and Technical Coordinator, University of Ljubljana / ONTOCHAIN NGI project

  • Wendy Charles, Chief Scientific Officer, Burst IQ

  • Xenofon Kontouris, Business Dev. and Membership Dev. - Finance / Founding Coordinator, INATBA / Decentralized Athens

  • Yannis (Ioannis) Karamitsos, Digital Transformation Technologist-Blockchain Practice, Orange Business Services


27 JANUARY 2021
EUBOF Expert Panel - full list 012021.pdf


Publication date
27 January 2021