New consortium continues the legacy
To build on past achievements and create new momentum, the newly formed consortium, led by INTRASOFT International, is committed to continuing the mission of the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum. The new consortium has set a clear mandate to further explore, expand and strengthen the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum activities in the world of blockchain technology.
INTRASOFT International, the University of Nicosia and Greece’s National Centre for Research and Technological Development (CERTH) form the core consortium. Partners include technology leaders, top universities, as well as research and consulting organizations. With solid expertise on the global blockchain ecosystem, the new consortium brings strong commitment to blockchain development. It will aim to engage the European blockchain community, promote and provide educational and outreach opportunities, and stay on the cutting edge of blockchain advancements.
This multifaceted project boasts a diverse array of activities and scope – from web development to stakeholder engagement and from digital communications and training to consulting.
This edition of the #EUBlockchain newsletter includes a brief roundup of upcoming workshops and publications.
EUBOF2.0 Expert Panel
A call for experts that will shape the EUBOF Expert Panel contributing to the works of the Observatory will be launched soon through our website. For more information please contact paulaopenforumeurope [dot] org (Paula Grzegorzewska).
Workshops – Save the dates!
Blockchain and Healthcare Applications is the title of the first workshop organized by the new consortium. Our speakers’ panel will include business representatives, such as Novartis, RomSoft, Quadrant.io, Fetch.ia. and more. Scheduled to be held online on 24 September, participation is open to all and details on the agenda and registration will follow soon.
Save the dates! Another two online workshops will be organized by the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum in 2020. More details to follow.
CBDC workshop, 29 October
Blockchain and Sustainability workshop, November (date to be confirmed and announced soon).

Following a series of discussions and research, two Thematic Reports are slated for publication this year. The first is about EU blockchain ecosystem developments and will be disseminated in October. The second is about blockchain and healthcare applications, to be disseminated in December.
The EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum’s first Trends Report is scheduled for publication in November. This report will shed light on the latest developments and trends on blockchain technology with a special focus on market developments, technological advancements and news on legislation and framework conditions.
Inputs from the community have a major role in shaping these publications. Conversations are happening every day between the members of the eublockchain.mobilize.io community. Register today! Become part of the conversation. Stay in the loop. Make connections and share knowledge, tips and ideas.
- Publication date
- 16 September 2020