This study aims at defining the size and characteristics of the blockchain labour market. It is a result of several months of desk research, including the collection and analysis of data from official statistical databases, of relevant reports and of blockchain job offers. Additional insights were gained and gaps were filled through online Focus Group discussions, to further refine the description of the blockchain market and identify additional relevant data sources.
The findings of the research are presented in the study, broken down into three blocks:
- An overview of the blockchain ecosystem and market at the EU level and in different EU countries, including a sector and industry analysis, the market size of the identified industries, as well as an overview of national blockchain-related strategies and regulations.
- A blockchain labour market analysis, depicting the main blockchain related occupations currently in demand.
- A description of blockchain workforce attributes, including brand new insights gained from an analysis of more than 300 blockchain job offers in Europe! This analysis allowed to define the most common characteristics of the blockchain workforce, namely type of employment, type of contract, gender, age, level of education and experience, level of wage.
This study on Blockchain labour market characteristics marks the first of a series of reports presenting the findings of the CHAISE research activities. You can find an overview of the upcoming CHAISE publications as well as their foreseen publication date by clicking on the button below. Stay tuned for the next reports!
- Publication date
- 11 May 2021