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EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum
  • News article
  • 1 September 2023
  • 1 min read


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TrustChain applications are open!

€1.989.000 will be distributed in the Open Call #1 among up to 17 projects along with free coaching and access to infrastructure

TrustChain project started in January 2023 to address the inherent challenges within the current centralised Internet architecture that is not transparent to the user, does not protect the privacy-by -default and does not scale well through 5 Open Calls and an overall budget of €8,775M.

Trustworthy online platforms that preserve user’s data privacy and provide strong data governance frameworks are the focus of this TrustChain Open Call 2 (OC2) on “User Privacy and Data Governance”.


Who can Apply?

The target applicants of this call are developers, innovators, researchers, SMEs, and entrepreneurs working on different NGI relevant topics and application domains at the intersection between the technical field (e.g., Software Engineering, Network Security, Semantic Web, Cryptography, Blockchain, Digital Twin, Blockchain Security, Digital Identity, Blockchain Protocol), the Social sciences and Humanities (e.g., Social Innovation, not-for-profit sector, Social Entrepreneurship, public goods) as well as any others including economics, environment, art, design, which can contribute to the NGI TrustChain relevant vision.


How does it work?

The evaluation process is composed of three phases:

o   Phase 1: Admissibility & eligibility check

o   Phase 2: Proposals evaluation

o   Phase 3: Online interviews

As part of the TrustChain action, experts in diverse fields will also provide to Third party innovators selected technology development guidance, working methodology as well as access to technical infrastructure, training in business model development and data related topics, coaching, mentoring, visibility and community building support.

Applications are open until September 20, 2023, at 17:00 [Brussels time]

Apply here:


For more information on the TrustChain Open Call go here:

About TrustChain

TrustChain will tackle several challenges pertaining to trustworthy and reliable digital identity, to resilient, secure and reliable data pathways, to economics and trading of data, to energy efficiency for data storage, transport and sharing, to seamless services and data flows. A new trustworthy data governance and sharing model in line with the European regulatory framework and taking into account European values will be developed that will ensure Trusted Data Ecosystems.


Make sure to check out how to apply on our TrustChain website or directly on F6S platform.


Press contact: Tajana Medaković [tajanaatf6s [dot] com (tajana[at]f6s[dot]com)]

Project Email: trustchainatngi [dot] eu (trustchain[at]ngi[dot]eu)



Publication date
1 September 2023